Sep 29, 2021
In this episode, Mark Perna - speaker, author, Forbes Contributor, and international expert on all things workforce is back. This time, he is here to provide some insight on Millennials and Gen Z and help us connect the dots to why they can be the solution for today's workforce crisis.
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Sep 22, 2021
If you have not looked at your calendar lately, we have a surprise for you. There are only a few months left.
In this episode, Dennis and Jason discuss 5 things that you need to do now- before time runs out in 2021.
Sep 15, 2021
Words matter. The phrases you choose to speak, write, or text can have an profound impact on the receiver of those messages.
In this episode, Dennis shares a recent experience where things got personal. He was the receiver of poorly-chosen words that will very likely have lasting effects on a...
Sep 8, 2021
Jason has long been an advocate of chambers of commerce and economic development groups merging into a single organization. However, a recent impromptu conversation has posed a really good argument for keeping them separate - the ability to pay attention to the small mom and pop business.
Tune in to this episode as...
Sep 1, 2021
It's no secret that Dennis is a movie buff.
Although many of us have stories fit for tv, Marvel has not yet dedicated a series to the local economic developer.
So until Hollywood releases a film where the local economic developer is the hero, this eclectic list of 11 movies about founders, entrepreneurs, documentaries,...