Dec 27, 2023
In this episode, contributing correspondent Joi Cuartero Austin is joined by Jackie Swihart, Program Officer with Main Street America. Joi and Jackie discuss Leadership and board burnout
Economic development is challenging, with a lot of responsibility in building community prosperity, which is why you need a...
Dec 17, 2023
Do you ever wonder how extremely busy people get so much done? Dennis is joined by Mark Perna and they discuss tips and strategies to be more effective at work. They also discuss the difference between activity and productivity.
Dec 17, 2023
Dennis is joined by Mid America Economic Development Council's immediate past president, Horton Hobbs, to discuss the recent MAEDC Competitiveness Conference in Indianapolis. Dennis and Horton talk about highlights from the conference, Mid-Amercia EDC, and upcoming 2024...
Dec 6, 2023
In this episode, contributing corespondent Sean M. Maguire talks affordable housing and economic development with Stephane Frijja, President and CEO of Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership.
Nov 10, 2023
Dennis is joined by Keith A. Gillenwater, CEcD, MEDP, MPA, President & CEO of Grow Wabash County, and Jeff Pipkin, Economic Development Manager at Hoosier Energy, to discuss the Mid America EDC Competitiveness Conference.
Dennis, Keith, and Jeff discuss what makes the Competitivness Conference special. The conference...