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Develop This: Economic and Community Development

May 17, 2023

2023 Economic Development Week – May 8 - 12, 2023

In this episode, Dennis and Broderick discuss Economic Development Week and why economic developers are not always great at telling their stories. 

Economic Development Week gives economic development professionals a platform to showcase to their community the contributions made to their local economy throughout the year.

  • Utilize IEDC’s toolkit to help support your message and increase your impact

Economic Development Week was created by IEDC in 2016 to increase awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and improve the quality of life in communities everywhere.

  • Are you looking to promote Economic Development within your community?
  • Why do you think we are sometimes hesitant to tell our story or blow our own horn?
  • Whose job is it to tell our story?
  • Every business, company, and organization has a reputation….do you know what yours is?
  • We must control our own narrative

Goals of Economic Development Week

  • Articulate: Voice the value of your contributions to your local economy
  • Organize: Build a base of support within your community for the work of your ED
  • Show and Tell: Emphasize the importance of economic development through tangible examples and peer case studies
  • Amplify: Spread your message and increase the exposure of all the good work your EDO does throughout the year

     Prepare to get in the game in 2024!