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Develop This: Economic and Community Development

Mar 13, 2024

Dennis is joined by Mark Perna, who discusses ten habits that can keep us from reaching our full potential. 

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey

Be Proactive

Begin With the End in Mind

Put First Things First

Think Win-Win

Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood


Sharpen the Saw

What are the habits that keep us from success and achieving our full potential?

1.      Procrastination

a.      Set goals

b.      Prioritize tasks

c.      Start with the most challenging task

d.      Build in some rewards

2.      Perfectionism

a.      Do not let perfect be the enemy of good

b.      Whose standards?

c.      Cannot let go of something

                                                               i.      Missed deadlines

3.      Impulsiveness

a.      Instant reward

                                                               i.      Hooked on the adrenaline and feelings

b.      Shopping

c.      Not considering long-term consequences

4.      Not listening

a.      Two ears, one mouth

b.      Are you really interested in what others have to say or just promoting your opinion?

c.      Listening is an underrated skill

5.      Not Being Able to See the Other Side

a.      There is usually more than one path

b.      The need to be in control

c.      Everyone makes decisions differently

d.      Not thinking Win-Win

6.      Not Being Able to Succinctly Articulate Your Position

a.      Droning on and on

b.      Respectful of people’s time

c.      Learning to effectively communicate

                                                               i.      Volume talkers

7.      Working on the Wrong Things

a.      What is the most important thing you should be working on right now?

b.      Doing only the things you want to do

c.      Confusing busy with effective

8.      Being Easily Distracted

a.      Distractions are everywhere

                                                               i.      Phones

                                                             ii.      Social media

                                                           iii.      Texting

                                                           iv.      Drop-in visits

9.      Failing to Take Risk and Think Big – Or Too Many Risks

a.      Accepting the status quo

b.      Whopper or stretch goals

c.      Having a shiny object to chase

d.      Sometimes, you just have to go to the moon

10.  Lack of Self-care

a.      Unplugging from work

b.      Personal care

                                                               i.      Health

                                                             ii.      Exercise

                                                           iii.      Wellness

c.      Managing stress